Discussing what matters for the growth of blogging and social media community.

iBlog: The 15th Philippine Blogging Summit #iblog15

Call for speakers and topics for #iblog10

Posted on December 22, 2013 by Administrator

Hello everyone. We are now gearing up for iBlog: the 10th Philippine Blogging Summit (#iblog10). In this regard, we would like to invite interested speakers to submit a topic proposal for consideration on or before January 31, 2014.

iBlog10 will take place on April 4 and 5, 2014. Venue will be announced soon.

The day 1 program (April 4, 2014) is already finalized and shall tackle how blogging has evolve for the past 10 years and where it will move forward. We will be inviting a selection of speakers from the past 10 years of #iblog in this event.

The second day will focus on topics of interest for bloggers in general. The speakers that will be selected for this day shall be from the proposals received through this call for speaker proposals.

Submit your topic proposal on or before January 31, 2014. The approved topics and speakers for the summit will be posted or on before March 4 as we open for registration.

Thank you.


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14 to “Call for speakers and topics for #iblog10”

  1. Hello. Are you still looking for interested speakers?

    • Eloise says:

      E agora gente?! Com o videobb e o videozer fora do ar, como vamos saber das novidades da série?! Fiquei muito triste… Espero que tenha uma boa alternativa… Vou recorrer aos livros pra saber mais… Parabéns aos adtminsiradores do blog! Esse é o blog que eu tenho certeza de sempre estar atualizado! Até mais…

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  9. 私はあなたがそこに作られた最初の点が好きで、私は私がpratcially生産的な方法でそれを適用することができることを確認していません。

  10. 。真実は、それがああ、私は私のFBのお気に入りにこの記事をブックマークし、異なる独断作家を満たすように爽やかです。私は感銘を受けて

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