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iBlog: The 15th Philippine Blogging Summit #iblog15

Archive for April, 2007

iBlog 3 Speaker’s Presentations – Day 2 1

Posted on April 23, 2007 by Administrator

PDF files of speakers’ presentations from Day 2 of iBlog 3:

Blogging for Newbies
Abe Olandres – Blogging Success Story
Anton Diaz – Photoblogging Success Story
Manuel Quezon III – Philippine Politics and the Blogosphere

Blogging Trends Track
Wilson Chua – Podcasting Growth Trends

Blogging and Journalism Track
Alecks Pabico- Blogging and Investigative Journalism
Angelo Racoma- Blogging and Mainstream Media

Professional Blogging Track
Marc Macalua- Blogging for Advancing One’s Career
Gail dela Cruz- Increasing Blog Popularity


iBlog 3 Day 2 Summary 0

Posted on April 23, 2007 by Administrator

by digitalfilipino

The 2nd day of iBlog3: the 3rd Philippine Blogging Summit had a lot of content-packed info that included:

Abraham Olandres, the Philippines most popular blogger, shared his site as a case study. His site currently earns five income (US$) figures per month. His blogging success tip includes focusing on niche, be consistent, be different (talk louder), communicate or socialize with other bloggers and their readers, and strategize. It is amazing to see how his first stint in iBlog Summit contributed in strategizing his blog direction.

Anton Diaz shared his blogging success tips that includes treating a blogging adventure as a marathon where burning passion and desire is consistent, smart photo-blogging skills, and uniquely creative content. He blogs like writing his autobiography, taking photos of important landmarks in Manila to compare it in the future, and his advocacy which is promoting the various islands. He also gave a list of wrong reasons for blogging, SEO tactics, ten commandments of blogging, writing content that is viral of nature.

Manuel L. Quezon III expressed his desire to hopefully see more Filipino political bloggers that are not affiliated with any politician or working in the media. He also emphasized that each blogger has a leadership role to take on. He encourages bloggers to ask and answer the question as to why are we still here in this situation? Politics is a human activity and personalities/issues are always involved. It is finding out what people are thinking, what matters to them, concerns, venting, and observations. He encourages Filipinos to be a fighter.

Wilson Chua of eRadioPortal shared his personal visionary trend on podcast growth. He affirms that podcast increases a website popularity. Two important drivers as well includes time shifting advantage where people can listen from different time zones and portable as content can be consume wherever. Media companies are also using podcast as a tool to combat pirates.

Aileen Apolo of Google discussed the growing trends in the market today and why all of us should consider it seriously in planning our programs in the market.

Norman Agatep of Euro 4D enlightened the audience about how bloggers are considered as prosumers or influential consumers. Bloggers are referred to as bees or trendspreaders.

Alecks Pabico shared that PCIJ celebrated 2nd anniversary of its online blog presence early April. He participated during the 1st iBlog when the PCIJ blog just started then. Right now, the publication considers itself niching in multimedia investigative journalism. Alecks believes that text-centric journalism will say goodbye soon.

J Angelo Racoma showed how social news link to mainstream media and even to blogs (and vice versa). Trust plays an important role for social news to work. My sincerest thanks to Angelo also as he was not feeling very well at that time but still took time to attend the event.

Malou Mangahas believes that blogging is a new breed of journalism and shared the GMA TV Network‘s growing experience and experiment with blogging. Malou believes that TV networks can’t ignore blogs and the opportunity to engage with avid readers and followers. Despite embracing blogs, the team has to embrace the same code of ethics or rules to be followed.

(Cheers to Rachel Khan for making time to moderate the said panel)

Marc Macalua shared tips on how blogging can be used to advance one’s career. It is interesting to note also how iBlog2 (last year) played a role in Marc’s personal career as his boss offered him a great position after the event.

Jayvee Fernandez, in his very lively way, shared some tips on how can one join a blogging network, revenue opportunities for a blog, and tips on becoming a professional blogger.

Gail De la Cruz – Villanueva shared blog promotion techniques that every blogger should note of.

You can also watch the day 2 webcast: 1, 2, 3.


iBlog 3 Speaker’s Presentations – Day 1 0

Posted on April 19, 2007 by Administrator

PDF files of speakers’ presentations from Day 1 of iBlog 3:

JJ Disini’s Keynote

Newbies Track
Chris Haravata – Blogging 101
Lauren Dado – The Do’s and Don’ts of Personal Blogging
Noemi Dado – Personal Blogging Success Story
Marcelle Fabie – Unlocking Your Creative Blogging Potential
Arelle Valla – “What every business person should know about blogging”

Art and Literary Track
Jonas Diego – Blogging as Alternative Publishing for Comic Book Creators
Dean Alfar – Literary Blogging Experience, Observations, and Trends

Legal Track
Roby Alampay – Blogging and Freedom of Expression in ASEAN
Emerson Bañez – Ethics and Blogging
Atty. Jaime Soriano – Blogging and Copyright Law

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