Posted on
May 11, 2005 by
Gail Dela Cruz (aka Kutitots) spoke next on adding bells and whistles on your blog (from blog rolling to tag boards to whatever else is out there).
See her slideshow (852KB, Macromedia Flash, Standalone Player)
Posted on
May 11, 2005 by
Our opening session was presided over by Abe Olandres (aka Yuga). He talked about blogging basics and gave simple instructions on how to get a blog started.
See his slide show (575KB, Adobe Acrobat)
Plus: “Blog in 60 Seconds” (Flash Presentation)
Posted on
May 09, 2005 by
(Photo by Jon Lao)
Thanks to everyone who attended iBlog! Thanks to everyone who weren’t able to attend but helped buid its momentum by registering or promoting the event.
Thanks to all our speakers, who more than justified waking up early one Saturday morning to attend some blogging summit :).
Tales from Disiniland has a full account (and photos!) of the day’s events and activities.
We’re getting good feedback from the blogosphere, and we’re extremely gratified. There’s always room with improvement though, and we’re definitely taking notes of
critiques and suggestions.
From our speakers:
Abe Olandres:
“Pinoy bloggers made history today”
Dean Alfar:
“It was great being in the company of an intelligent and receptive audience”
The Sassy Lawyer:
“They gave me something far more important than anything with monetary value…”
And from some of the participants:
UP Parser: “iBlog Summit a Blast”.
Rain: Got a headache from infromation overdose and asks: Where were the celebrity bloggers?
Sean: Takes stock of lessons learned.
Got an iBlog story to tell? Just link back to us, or drop a url in this post’s comments section :).
Though the summit itself is over, please do visit this site every now and then. Lots of stuff from the summit we intend to put online.
Speaker’s presentations, transcripts, and mp3’s oh my! Plus, any plans for future iBlog’s